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    Poem by R Hunsicker


    clothing plastered along the wall
    splashes of pink and purple
    all tight fit and small

    but none bring a smile to my face
    all too confining. erasing my feelings
    my expressions, without a trace

    Our restroom clearly marked with it’s plastic sign
    right above the doorway, insisting I belong there and nowhere else
    scarring Me when expressions don’t align

    why does a toilet have the right to label Me
    and not myself, in the eyes of society
    why do We imprison people in this binary

    Our health is taught to all with large breasts
    telling of how We will grow to bleed and procreate
    my ideas of bodily disdain and surgery never addressed

    You force gender onto Me through biology
    never batting an eye at the thought of our institutions
    and justifying my pain and suppression through pathology
    Your accessories glimmer in the mirror, bright as day 
    while tears stream down my face
    these sparkling chains keeping my true self at bay

    Your privilege allowing You to enter bathrooms
    or sororities, or locker rooms
    without the threat of slurs or violence making it Your tomb

    if i don't identify with You, then where do i belong
    for Your society invalidates me and culture ridicules me
    everywhere i’m labeled as wrong

    my body is a drifter
    flowing freely between all that's known
    making me learn how to dodge a punch, to be swifter

    for i will never be what You wanted
    and i will never be welcomed like You are
    so we’ll BOTH continue to be haunted

    by the one word displayed
    in every capitalist and biological
    space as a prisoner with no aid

    for i look like a Woman
    and am mistaken for one
    but rarely feel like one

    my queerness shunned
    by society’s reassurance
    of the body and gender
    because that acceptance
    is a Women’s

    R (e/they) is an agender, asexual, arospec, neurodivergent scholar who finds passion in unconcealing and uplifting the experiences and voices of asexual and trans* people. E is a senior in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (who also concentrates in LGBTQ and PCON Studies) and is planning to pursue a graduate degree in Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies to become an LGBTQ+ studies scholar.

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