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poem for nex benedict

    Poem by Max Gardinier /

    the queers on the internet say      it’s time
    to arm ourselves mirror selfies / ugly guns and
    ryan walters superintendent of oklahoma schools
    says there is no such thing as ‘transgender’ or ‘nonbinary’
    says God created man & woman & nothing
    else and senator tom woods of westville oklahoma says
    i represent a constituency that doesn’t want filth in oklahoma
    tom woods who looks like a thumb with thin lips
    says we are going to fight to keep that filth out of the state of oklahoma
    because we are a christian state and that’s what God would
    have wanted right ? thumby state senators calling queers filth
    during a legislative forum summoned in response to the brutal death
    of a child
    of you you
    the brave the unapologetic the special
    these little men were handed power by the institution & do not can not will not understand they say your death was
    a suicide
    queer joy is built on scars & that’s what makes it worth
    all the unlove from the christians & the contemptibles & the callous
    and None of those motherfuckers will ever know heaven
    cus heaven isn’t up in the sky their dirty prayers won’t do shit
    heaven is heaven is living authentically despite
    heaven is what we all learn in that living
    what the poor unfortunate majority can never know
    what they kill us for the threat of their unknowing
    they have already begun to rot and
    the genderqueer is the most beautiful weapon in the world

    Max Gardinier is a senior English major at Colgate and the editor-in-chief of Allegorical Athena. She just completed her thesis, a collection of poetry, and she looks forward to living with her cats post-graduation.

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