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i left the moon in his dresser

    Poem by Ernie Nelson /

    i knew he’d keep it safe 
    im so scared that my visions are whispered by false gods
    that the only things keeping me alive have nothing to do
    with my life
    i shouldn’t be allowed this late at night

    i can’t trust myself with the moon
    can’t trust that i can make it through these changes
    they asked if i would be safe where i’m going
    the truth is i don’t know
    how can anywhere be safe in this body
    anywhere be safe in this world against me
    in this mind that cheats and steals time that does not belong to them
    i wish the moon could pause her phases for me
    i cannot bear the truth of who i am
    i don’t have the time to process and progress
    i look in mirrors and i see a stranger. i always have.
    maybe we are not meant to see ourselves. maybe we are only meant to be seen. maybe mirrors were meant to be pools that we could fall into.
    where is the bottom of this deep well inside me?
    where do i stop and the melancholy begin?
    sometimes it is slow like the warm coaxing of a wine into your blood
    it doesn’t feel like sadness right away
    and other times it is automatic and terrifying
    i am consumed with no warning and i am back to the moments i’ve been recovering from
    i hate the word regression. i feel like i’m trying so hard to gain an inch and i don’t want to dismiss myself.
    it doesn’t feel like going backward.
    More like a turn that deviates from straightforwardness. A detour. A delay.
    what is it like to be anything but myself
    (yet i feel i’ve never been myself at the same time)
    can i become anything
    am i becoming?
    please keep the her safe in case in your dresser drawer
    wherever you keep your dreams please keep a part of me there too
    maybe i cannot die if i put myself inside enough dressers
    enough jewelry boxes
    maybe the sun keeps rising and it’s not about me
    maybe if i have enough love in my heart it can flush out the storms that cloud the sun
    the sun is always there even when we cannot see her
    why doesn’t that feel like enough. why can’t i trust something so universally accepted?
    i believe in things that have no physical evidence while i cannot believe the things that have been known forever
    and i can’t hold a moonbeam in my hand

    Ernie Nelson (he/they) is a queer, trans student from Loveland, Colorado. They’ve been writing poetry from a young age and self-published a short chapbook titled “If You Are Still” in 2021. He enjoys making oddly specific playlists and has over 542 on spotify.

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