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I am on the tip of my tongue

    Poem by Ernie Nelson /

    with my heart protruding from my lips
    if i am to speak
    do i become that which falls from my mouth

    if no man can enter another’s womb
    is becoming the opposite of birth
    because you must kill the parts of you that plunder
    you cannot come from the lips of another
    you are everyday
    what goodness you bring betwixt thumbs

    i am entering myself
    my fingers bloody with the juice of becoming
    look away if you must
    i’m not doing it for you

    i am everyday at war with my erasure
    words are the villain of ab(stin)sence
    indulging is prayer and my body is a temple
    my soul in their whispers
    shame expelling itself my ugliness becoming

    golden in the daylight
    i am nothing if not holy
    forever suffering for the sake of
    that ache we call living
    but pain is the opposite of death
    cringe is the opposite of mundane

    it is okay to hold two opposing gods between your teeth
    by jove! make them kiss like barbies!

    Ernie Nelson (he/they) is a queer, trans student from Loveland, Colorado. They’ve been writing poetry from a young age and self-published a short chapbook titled “If You Are Still” in 2021. He enjoys making oddly specific playlists and has over 542 on spotify.

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