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drifting thoughts while waiting for the gender neutral bathroom in case-geyer library

    Poem by R Hunsicker /

    Standing awkwardly 
    For a necessity
    Never gets easier

    The sound of my foot tapping
    The women’s restroom door opening
    And closing
    From behind me

    The gaze
    Of students
    Passing by me
    Entering the men’s restroom

    The clock continues to tick
    More people pass by
    I shift
    But nevertheless
    Left to wait
    Standing awkwardly

    Until you open the door from
    Scrolling tiktok
    Gossiping with friends
    Calling someone on the phone
    Or whatever else you get up to

    Just to get a brief
    I’m sorry
    Only to once again
    Be left
    With a closed, locked door
    Being forced to stand
    Waiting for a necessity

    R (e/they) is an agender, asexual, arospec, neurodivergent scholar who finds passion in unconcealing and uplifting the experiences and voices of asexual and trans* people. E is a senior in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (who also concentrates in LGBTQ and PCON Studies) and is planning to pursue a graduate degree in Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies to become an LGBTQ+ studies scholar.

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