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as i lay dying

    Poem by Max Gardinier /

    my hair grows longer
    & i put on some weight
    i clutch the lamb to my
    chest he has no idea
    i’m not afraid that’s not
    what these tears are for
    but what if what if

    i was never really happy,
    never really full & if
    this is my chance
    i won’t try to stop it
    the lamb stirs & sleeps
    sound in soundless

    dear God, i do not want to die
    i just want to like myself
    i wished for all my life
    to be a man i tried so hard
    and friends smiled at me
    even on those days
    i recognized nothing

    and now i’m on my way
    i don’t need to be alone
    i’m on the kitchen floor
    guess i should’ve swept
    these pills will take me
    somewhere new not
    a death, a reunion

    you’re just max, that’s
    what josh always says,
    & this lamb is just max
    & this heat is just God
    & we all protect each other
    cus life isn’t kind & my lamb
    trembles in his sleep

    i think he might be dreaming

    Max Gardinier is a senior English major at Colgate and the editor-in-chief of Allegorical Athena. She just completed her thesis, a collection of poetry, and she looks forward to living with her cats post-graduation.

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